




Accounting is commonly known as the “language of business” for a reason. By understanding Accounting, professionals use that information to understand, communicate and make decisions. When you learn accounting, you get the ability to understand how an organization operates, produce and act on relevant information, and help lead these organizations toward financial success.

Every organization needs business professionals who can master the language of business. The LAVC Accounting degrees and certificates are the first step in acquiring these essential skills.

Dr. Kevin Sanford
(818) 947-2870
Office Location
Business Journalism (102)
Office Hours
email for availability


Business Administration


Business, Entrepreneurship, and Law

Degrees & Certificates

Click the tabs below to find out about our programs

The Associate of Arts (AA) Degree serves as the basis for further undergraduate education in accounting as well as preparing students for entry-level positions in accounting and tax preparation. It is designed to enable students to do accounting work in the public sector or in private companies. The degree provides a foundation for careers in business-related fields, such as Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance, and Law.

Accounting Associate in Arts

The Certificate of Achievement in Accounting serves as the basis for further undergraduate education in accounting as well as preparing students for entry-level positions in accounting and tax preparation. It is designed to enable students to enter the accounting profession in the public sector or in private companies. The certificate provides a foundation for careers in business-related fields, such as Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance, and Law. It is also an important basis for students considering becoming licensed as Certified Public Accountants.

Accounting Certificate

The Business Administration 2.0 Associate in Science for Transfer Degree (AS-T) is designed to provide students with the core of lower division courses required to transfer to a California State University. Students are able to pursue a bachelor's degree in business administration in a discipline of their choice, including Accounting. 

Associate in Science for Transfer Degree (AS-T)


Full-time Faculty

Name Areas of Study Contact Information

Siu Chung


Howard Levine Accounting and Business
Raymond Mathieu Accounting and Business
Saul Preciado-Garcia Accounting and Business @email

Adjunct Faculty

Click below for a list of Adjunct faculty. For a complete list of faculty search the LAVC directory.

Name Contact Information
Daniel Friedman
Hillard Gordon
Steven Kaller
Ali Naddafpour
James Powder @email


Faculty Profiles

Faculty Profiles

Click below to learn about the Accounting faculty.


  • B.S., California State University, Los Angeles.
  • Teaches Business Administration: Accounting courses.


  • B.S. Accounting, San Diego State University.
  • Founded a public accounting firm, concentrating in small businesses and non-profit (exempt) organizations accounting and tax issues. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Accounting and Business courses.

Raymond Mathieu
  • B.S., San Diego State University; M.A, University of Phoenix.
  • Teaches Business Administration: Accounting courses.

Saul Preciado-Garcia
  • B.S. Criminal Justice, San Diego State University. M.S. Accounting and Finance (Emphasis in Fraud Examination), Keller Graduate School of Management. MBA (Emphasis in Human Resource Management), National University. 
  • Teaches Business Administration: Accounting and Business courses.
  • Mr. Preciado is a seasoned academic professional who has been actively contributing to the educational landscape since 2014, notably within the Los Angeles Community College District since 2016. Born in Mexicali, Mexico, Mr. Preciado's academic journey began with studies in accounting in his home country. Mr. Preciado's impactful contributions to the Los Angeles Community College District and his commitment to the fields of business and accounting demonstrate his passion for fostering a dynamic and enrichment educational environment for students. 
  • Fun Fact - Mr. Preciado's favorite foods are potatoes and hot sauce. 
  • Pronouns: He/ Him